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Storage Solutions for Legal

Quickly deliver case information using a radically simple infrastructure that predicts and prevents downtime.

Extremely Fast, Radically Simple

Deliver fast access to information to reduce research time and respond quickly to a client or council and meet court deadlines.

Get Results 2-20x Faster

Deliver superior flash performance for all workloads

Accelerate e-discovery and case research to avoid court penalties.

Provision in Minutes

Effortless management and automation

It takes only minutes to install, manage and scale – reducing IT complexity.

Easy Mobility Eliminates Lock-in

Easy Mobility Eliminates Lock-in

Easily move data to, from, and between clouds and your data center.

Always Available

Legal teams aren’t bound to a 9-5 day and your systems shouldn’t be either. Ensure information is always available regardless of time, day, or circumstance.

Predict and Respond to Fast-Changing Caseloads

Predict and Respond to Fast-Changing Caseloads

Receive proactive notification when changes are needed so you can quickly meet growing demand.

Recover from Disaster Near Instantly

Recover from Disaster Near Instantly

Recover from disaster near instantly through replication and space efficient snapshots.

99.9999% Availability

99.9999% Availability

Achieve the peace of mind that comes from Nimble's six nines of measured availability across over 10,000 customers, achieved through InfoSight predictive analytics.

Absolute Security

Protect privileged information against hackers, data corruption, and environmental factors. Maintain client confidence and regulatory requirements without cost or complexity.

Achieve Compliance

Achieve Compliance

Achieve compliance without excessive cost and complexity. Advanced data security with data-at-rest encryption and secure data shredding.

Avoid Compromising on Data Integrity

Avoid Compromising on Data Integrity

Triple+ Parity RAID combined with multi-level checksums protect against data corruption with paranoid fervor.

Instantly Backup and Restore Data

Instantly Backup and Restore Data

Make use of space-efficient snapshots and replication, with zero impact on application performance.

Alliance Partner Solutions

Alliance Partner Solutions